
Clark is home to an exceptionally diverse community of students. Our undergraduates hail from countries across the globe, 但他们都有一个共同点:挑战传统、改变世界的愿望.

International students may choose to 应用 as a 常规的决定提早行动 or 早期的决定 candidate, following the same application deadlines as other applicants.



  • 不适合你.S. 公民身份
  • 不适合你.S. Permanent Residency (green card holders)

We seek students who want to be involved and are community-oriented, and those who believe that through bettering themselves, they are responsible for improving their lives, 环境, 系统, 和工具. There is no one right way to move forward — so there is no one way to be a Clarkie.

International students may choose to 应用 as a 常规的决定提早行动 or 早期的决定 candidate, following the same application deadlines as all other applicants.


Please ensure that all application documents are submitted in English. 您可以同时提供原始文件和经过认证的英文翻译件.

  • 常见的应用程序, OR 联盟应用程序与Scoir. 没有申请费.
  • 成绩单(s)
    • 成绩单必须包括过去三年的教育,可以通过通用申请或联合申请(优先)提交。, or by emailing the documents directly to intadmissions@yeyajob.com.
  • 2推荐信
    • 请提供两封推荐信,一封来自学校辅导员,一封来自老师. 您的推荐人可以通过通用申请或联合申请(首选)提交他们的信件,或直接发送电子邮件至 intadmissions@yeyajob.com. If your school does not have a school counselor or university advisor, please submit recommendation letters from two academic teachers.
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency (see additional information below)
  • SAT或ACT成绩 (所有学生可选)
    • 学校代码:SAT: 003279, ACT: 1808
  • CSS档案 (只适用于申请按需资助)

If English is not your native language, you must provide an official 托福考试雅思考试Duolingo, or 皮尔森PTE 分数报告. Your English proficiency will be assessed holistically, 考虑到你的分数, 成绩单, 文章, 以及推荐信.

如果你参加过托福考试, 雅思或培生PTE考试, 我们更喜欢直接从考试机构收到官方考试成绩,尽管我们接受您或您的顾问/老师发送的扫描件 intadmissions@yeyajob.com. If you have taken Duolingo English Test, please ensure that the official score is sent directly from the Duolingo portal.

While we do not have specific minimum scores, 以下是在太阳城娱乐学习的最低英语水平的一般指标. 请注意 that meeting these indicators does not guarantee admission:

  • 托福考试 iBT: 85 overall, with no sub-score below 20, or
  • 雅思:6.总分5分,所有分项得分均低于6分; or
  • Duolingo: 120 overall, with no sub-score below 100, or
  • PTE: 61 overall, with no sub-score below 55

如果我们发现你符合太阳城娱乐入学的学术要求,但可能会从额外的语言支持中受益, 我们会推荐我们的 学术成功英语计划 or 本科衔接课程. Depending on your English proficiency level, 在转入本科学位课程之前,你可以在其中一个课程上学习一到四个学期.


An interview is optional but strongly encouraged. 面试 allow us to get to know you beyond the confines of your application, and you get to learn about Clark from a student or staff perspective.

面向国际学生, 面试也可以作为衡量你英语水平的辅助手段.


所有本科录取学生, 不论国籍, are automatically considered for merit scholarships, 而且不需要单独申请. 国际学生也可以通过填写CSS简介申请基于需求的经济援助 CSS档案.

太阳城娱乐城提供了极具竞争力的服务 总统奖学金,包括学费、住宿费和食宿费. 每年奖励3-5名学生, recipients are responsible for additional costs totaling approximately $10,000元/年. To 应用 for the 总统奖学金, 秋季学期的一年级申请者可以在申请表上表明他们的兴趣. 申请总统奖学金的其他说明将在提交申请后不久通过电子邮件发送.

While Clark provides merit and need-based aid for international students, it may not cover all educational expenses. 考虑到奖学金和助学金,国际学生通常每年支付约4万美元. Our total cost of attendance is approximately $75,000元/年.

请注意, 我们的录取过程是有需求的, 这意味着学生和家庭的支付能力可能会影响录取决定. 如果学生表明的经济需求超过了我们通过奖学金和援助提供的能力,申请可能会被拒绝.

For more details on merit scholarships, 金融援助, and costs, 见费用和财政援助.


太阳城娱乐为入学前完成的某些学术课程提供先进的学分. 这包括大学先修课程(AP),英国A-Level和国际文凭(IB)。.

另外, 其他可能有资格获得提前学分的国际课程包括安大略省第13年, 魁北克生源,, 德国高中会考文凭, 瑞士结业证书, 意大利MATURITA, 法国或摩洛哥学士学位, 和CAPE文凭. 其他课程的高级信用评估是根据具体情况进行的.

如果您对提前信用资格有任何疑问,请联系 学术谘询处寻求帮助.


请不要犹豫,给我们发电子邮件 intadmissions@yeyajob.com 如需进一步协助.

American Language and Culture Institute

太阳城娱乐城的美国语言文化学院(ALCI)为国际学生提供多种课程,以满足他们的英语学习目标, either concurrently with or in preparation for degree-seeking coursework.


我们很多. 我们是一体.

太阳城娱乐 is global in both reach and spirit. 见见智利的何塞·卡斯蒂略·黑山, who explains what it’s like to be an international student at Clark.


国际学生和学者 Office

国际学生学者办公室是您获取移民信息的一站式服务, 在美国的生活, and student support services for international students.


学生俱乐部 & 组织

太阳城娱乐提供130多个学生俱乐部和组织,让你尽情享受自己的激情,并与你的社区建立联系. These include groups devoted to cultures from around the globe.



太阳城娱乐很自豪能成为戴维斯联合世界大学学者计划的合作伙伴机构. 在这种合作关系下, 从联合世界学院毕业的学生可以获得最多15美元的助学金,每年从谢尔比·戴维斯家里拨出6万美元,用来支付太阳城娱乐本科学习的费用.

From 太阳城娱乐, UWC students receive the same consideration for merit scholarships including the Presidential scholarship 和其他学生一样. 然而,我们通常能够为优秀的UWC学生提供相当于学费的资金. This funding would be combination of Clark’s merit scholarship, UWC补助金, and Clark need-based funding through CSS profile application.

What is an international student at Clark?


  • 你不持有U.S. 公民身份
  • 你不持有U.S. Permanent Residency (green card holders)
What are Clark’s requirements for English proficiency?

如果英语不是你的母语,你需要提交英语水平证明. 详情请参阅我们的 英语要求.


如果你参加过托福考试, 雅思或培生PTE考试, 我们更喜欢直接从考试机构收到官方考试成绩,尽管我们接受您或您的顾问/老师发送的扫描件 intadmissions@yeyajob.com. If you have taken Duolingo English Test, please ensure that the official score is sent directly from the Duolingo portal.

Did you receive my 托福考试, 雅思考试, SAT, or ACT score?

A few days after you submit your application, you will obtain access to an online checklist of all your application materials. 您可以使用此清单查看我们是否收到了您的分数和其他材料.

How many years of 成绩单s should I submit with my application?

你需要提交至少三年完整的教育数据,以便太阳城娱乐城正确评估你的教育. 对于像中国这样的国家的学生, 哪个国家采用6-3-3教育体系, 我们需要一份你所在中学的成绩单,至少显示你在美国大学最后一年/第三年的成绩.S. 相当于“九年级”),除了三年中学的前两年. We can’t review an application with only two years of credentials, so make sure we receive all your 成绩单s before the deadline.


An interview is optional but strongly encouraged. 面试 allow us to get to know you beyond the confines of your application, and you get to learn about Clark from a student or staff perspective.

面向国际学生, 面试也可以作为衡量你英语水平的辅助手段.



如果我们发现你符合太阳城娱乐入学的学术要求,但可能会从额外的语言支持中受益, 我们会推荐我们的
学术成功英语计划 or 本科衔接课程. Depending on your English proficiency level, 在转入本科学位课程之前,你可以在其中一个课程上学习一到四个学期.

Does Clark offer financial assistance to international students?

是的. All international applicants are considered for merit scholarships. To be considered for a need-based award, file the CSS档案 with your application by the admissions deadline (see 常规的决定, 早行动,早决定, and Transfer Admission for the various deadlines). 因为我们的资源有限, we can’t offer admission to international students who require full funding. 考虑到奖学金和助学金,国际学生通常每年支付约4万美元. Our total cost of attendance is approximately $75,000元/年.

基于成绩的奖学金是根据你的学习成绩和你的申请中包含的其他因素颁发的. Every student who applies to Clark is automatically considered for most of our 基于优秀的奖学金. To 应用 (即 金融援助, make sure to submit the international CSS档案.

Can I receive International Baccalaureate (IB) credit?

是的, you can receive credit for IB classes and an IB diploma.

如果您出示IB文凭,并在所有六门考试中获得至少36分的综合分数或更高的分数, 你将得到8个太阳城娱乐城单位. 相当于整整一年.

If you present an IB diploma and have earned a minimum of 24 composite points, 你会收到四个太阳城娱乐城单位. 相当于一个学期的时间.

If you haven’t completed the full IB diploma, 每参加一次更高级别的考试并获得5分或更高的分数,你将获得一个太阳城娱乐城单位. You can receive a maximum of four Clark units, the equivalent of one semester.

Are you test-optional for international students?

是的. 太阳城娱乐不要求国际学生提交SAT或ACT成绩作为申请的一部分.



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